Summer Picnic
The Cousins (to me) Bob Gillis, Karen, Les and Debbie - arranged a picnic at Uncle Bob and Auntie Ann Gillis' house last weekend. For several of us, it had been over a year since we'd seen each other - so Thank you, Thank you so much cousins for making it happen. Except oops! No group photo. Uncle Bob used to make sure there was always a big group picture - and we let it slip by. There back yard was still gorgeous; there were 2 new babies to ooh and ahh at.
Cousin Chuck came, girls home from college, married girls, working girls, golfing boys, and neighbors came. Who'd I miss. Pardon me for generically calling everyone "cousins".
I missed the baby announcement for Karli's baby boy -Bodie, so insert info here if you have it.
Julie's Nolan is now 4 months old and truely is at the life of the party age.
As always I'm tempted to try to list everybody, but I'll just muck it up. So, how about a few pictures, and maybe a slide show to come? It's late, so that will have to do.
Thanks again organizers! You did a fabulous job, and and was great to see everyone.
Cody Gillis holding Bodie Erickson. Lori Clark holding Nolan Miller.