Saturday, November 11, 2006

Charles Cozza Benefit

From an email by WBG Jr. - "Karen's e-mails of today are an excellent summary of the Church benefit for Chuck Cozza which we were also privileged to attend. There were obviously many contributors including many church and community members who did not know Chuck or the family personally. There are many people to be thanked for the turnout which almost filled the very large basement meeting room. In addition to Karen's reports we would like to point out that that Front Range Gillises (principally Unc Bob and Ann's extended family) were the prime movers and shakers of the Church benefit, and in addition, having created group mailing web site through Yahoo and established a mechanism for family and friends to contribute where possible to help fund Kim and the family during a time of need. They are all splendid examples of community leaders coming forth to answer a heartfelt need. If you get a chance please tell them so."

"this young couple who came in the door and handed me 60.00. I said, how do you know Chuckie? The girl said,"oh, we have never met him before but we know what it is like to go through hard times and we wanted to help."Needless to say, I hugged her neck!" - Leslie Clark

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